Zombie Catchers Wiki

The Jelly Zombie is the third zombie found in the Swamp location. He is a skinny, lime green zombie who has a hat and hillbilly attire.


The Jelly Zombie has a Special, in this case an Attack. When Startled, it will throw a hammer at the Player, which will stun them for roughly 3 seconds, before running away. After 7-ish seconds they will gain a new hammer and throw it as if it was the first. Note the fact that they will stand still before and as they through the hammer, resuming running away after throwing it, so use this small gap of time to capture it.


The Jelly Zombie is present in 2 recipes, being Apple Jelly-Bellies and the Lemon & Lime Pop-Sic-le, Both of which require 2 Jelly Zombies, however the Lemon & Lime Pop-Sic-les also require 2 Lemon Zombies.

